Half Whisky Barrel Drinks Cooler - PVC Lined
Product Code: TUBCOOL
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Product description
Chill your wines and beers in ice whether its cans or bottled drinks in this unusual yet practical Half Barrel Drinks Cooler.
Made from a recycled half oak whisky barrel which has been lined with a water tight PVC liner. An authentic oak barrel head provides a false floor inside the liner which allows melting ice water to drain below therefore keeping your drinks cool and dry above.
This versatile barrel drinks cooler makes an ideal watering station which is portable and easily placed into areas where drinks are needed whether its indoors or outdoors at your party, event or wedding.
OPTIONAL TIMBER STAND - Please select above if you require a timber cross stand to raise the barrel drinks cooler off the ground, these are ideally suited for use outdoors on lawn areas.
Product Dimensions and Features
Oak tub height 17" 42.5cms
Oak tub top diameter 25" 62.5cms
Capacity approx. 60 litres
Delivery 5 to 7 days